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Are you being harassed by bill collector?

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act gives you the right to terminate contact with a debt collector. You can stop a debt collector from contacting you by writing a Cease and Desist letter to the collector and telling them to stop.

A phone call won't work but our Cease and Desist letter will!

Send our letter via certified mail - return receipt requested. Keep a copy of the letter for your files. Send out the letter within thirty days of the first contact by the collection agency/collection attorney. The law applies to both the agency and to attorneys who collect two or more debts per year. They are allowed (under law) to contact you one time, after receipt of the letter, to notify you or their intent. Debt buyers (scavengers) are subject to the law in spite of their assertions that since they bought the debt, they are not the collector. WRONG!!! They ARE a debt collector, subject to the law. Send our letter, it's legal and it works. Sending a letter to a collector will prevent the debt collector from contacting you, it will not make a debt go away if you owe the money.

For a low fee, ICash911.com automated system will draft unlimited numbers of Cease and Desist letters tailored just for you. In addition our website contains valuable information on how to deal with debt collectors.


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